Certification Program
Application Form
About StaySafe App
The SAFETY SEAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM provided on IATF Resolution No. 87 aims to increase compliance by private or public entities with the minimum public health standards set by the government. Moreover, the program seeks to encourage the adoption and use of the digital contract tracing application as well as increase consumer confidence as we safely reopen the economy.
The Safety Seal is a physical manifestation of the compliance of an establishment to the minimum health standards required by government to contain the spread of Covid-19.
- Malls
- Wet markets
- Other retail stores
- Restaurants outside Hotels/Resorts
- Fast food, Eateries, Coffeeshops, etc.
- Banks, money changers, pawnshops, remittance centers
- Car wash
- Laundry service centers
- Art galleries, libraries, museums, zoo
- Sports centers
- Tutorial, Testing, and Review Centers
- Gyms
- Spas
- Cinemas
- Arcades
- All other private establishments not covered by other issuing authorities
The owner or authorized representative of the business establishment shall download the form or apply here:
In case of slow internet connection, you can DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST and submit the application to window 2, Business Permit and Licensing Office, Municipal Plaza, Baler Aurora.
LGU Baler Inspection Team shall validate the status or validity of government-issued permits and/or accreditation. If found to be with valid government-issued permits, registration, and/or accreditation, the team may proceed with the inspection and contact the establishment for schedule of inspection.
LGU Baler Inspection Team shall inspect compliance of the business establishment.
After the inspection, the LGU Baler Inspection Team shall inform the owner or authorized representative of the result of inspection and next steps.
If the business establishment is compliant, the owner or authorized representative shall be informed on how the Safety Seal sticker will be provided.
One Month before the expiry the owner or authorized representative shall renew their application.
The public may report non-compliance with the minimum public health standards and the use of the Stay Safe application by establishments and businesses granted the Safety Seal with the following:
Address: Business Permit and Licensing Office, Executive Building Municipal Plaza, Baler Aurora Contact Number: 0939-939-7518 | email: |
Pursuant to DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular 21-01, s. 2021, local government units are mandated to implement the Safety Seal Certification Program in their respective localities, which aims to increase the compliance of establishments with minimum public health standards set by the government.
This application form can be used by establishments within the jurisdiction of Baler, Aurora to express their intent and file their application for the conferment of the Baler Safety Seal.
The process will be as follows:
- The business owner/authorized representative will fill out via online or walk-in and submit the Safety Seal Application Form.
- The LGU Baler Safety Seal Inspection Team will assess the application and inspect the establishment.
- Once approved, inspection team will provide hard copy of the certification that can be posted in conspicuous places/ near the entrance of the establishment. or a soft copy of the Safety Seal will be sent to the email address indicated in this application form.
Only those who passed the assessment and inspection will receive an email from LGU Baler through containing the digital copy of the Safety Seal.
LGU Baler is the sole owner of the information collected on this form. We only have access to collect information that you voluntarily give us via this form. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use your information for the the assessment and generation of the Safety Seal. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request. We may contact you via email, phone or during the inspection proper regarding the status and feedback about your Safety Seal.
StaySafe is the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases’ official contact tracing mobile app with Google-Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) feature via Bluetooth in the Philippines
On the app, enable your Bluetooth to activate the GAEN feature. Information about who you have encountered using the GAEN feature will never leave your phone and is automatically deleted after 14 days.
Signing up is optional and you can use the StaySafe app without an account needed. If you have an account, your data will be stored securely on your phone and deleted automatically after 14 days. Your data will be used only for public health purposes and never for enforcement.
The DILG has worked closely with the National Privacy Commission to ensure your privacy and data security are protected.
Join us as you protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
Your efforts will help the country’s leaders and frontliners to know if you’re safe. It will also alert them on individuals who are in need of immediate medical assistance.
Stay at home, stay healthy, and stay safe!

>> Register an account via Google Play, App Store or Web App
>> How the Citizen can register to Stay Safe App
>> Register your business HERE
>> How the establishment can register to Stay Safe App